Resurrected- A Call to Action

From the mind, soul and heart of Ricky J. Fico - writer, citizen, neighbor, friend to humankind, friend to the flora, friend to the fauna, friend to the Earth, friend to the Universe. One of his quotes in which too, finds its place here: "An idea is nothing more than a mere abstraction of a concrete undertaking." 

We are divided and it has always been my philosophy, my belief that we are all here together - united on one Earth  - a planet that was given to us but now it's being taken away in a myriad of ways. It doesn't have to be this way! Does it?

It's time for the Golden Renaissance - a time of renewal, a time of rebirth - a time to rejuvenate, congregate and make us all great again. There is power in numbers!

I put a little video together: Call to Action , Followed by the Link to Resurrected!

And then some of my chosen writings. Every product that I designed for Gifts Eternalized and more importantly for you and/or your giftees help me to continue to write, advocate and march alongside my true brothers and sisters.

Firstly, Resurrected


Moods Over A September Moon Prologue

Moods Over A September Moon  Chapter I

Thoughts, Reminiscences, Philosophies, Insights


Eternal Love (a video)

It's Called Compassion


 Intro to Beyond the Broken Door

Beyond the Broken Door Part I

Beyond the Broken Door Part II

Beyond the Broken Door Part III